Readers of the
First Civilization's Legacy Series probably recognize the infamous tavern, the One-Eyed Pelican. Readers might also recall the single meal that Flank Hawk (Krish) is willing to eat and Road Toad's (Major Jadd's) favorite place to dine. The red, greasy, fish soup.
Well, I decided to actually cook what I imagined it to be, with an eye toward making it more palatable, by using better quality ingredients, clean cooking pots and utensils, and not re-heating day after day, adding water to stretch it.
Reviewing my notes on the novels, I determined what would be available to the One-Eyed Pelican's cook, and what such an establishment might use (of what's available).
Fish Soup Ingredients |
Here's the list of ingredients:
3 Tomatoes (large)
1 beet
1 onion
1 stick of butter
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 tablespoon of sea salt
1/4 cup of flour
2 cod fillets
6 cups of water
Peel beat and dice.
Dice tomatoes.
Peel and dice onion
Dice cod fillets
Place in pot.
Add butter, olive oil and salt.
Add 5 cups of water.
Stir flour into warm cup of water, and add to pot.
Prior to Cooking |
Cooked Soup |
Cook under low to medium heat, with a lid on the pot, for two hours and fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally.
Serve in bowl (Flank Hawk ate the soup with stale bread and bitter ale--I'd suggest choosing your own accompanying food and drink).
I actually enjoyed it. A little on the salty side. My daughter said it was okay, but not something she'd order. My wife thought it had too fishy of a taste, maybe more mild of fish would make it better.
Post Cooking Observations:
I would've preferred using a turnip in place of a beet, but really, the Pelican's cooks would use whatever is on hand. I also would suggest using 2 turnips (or beets). I'd hoped it would've been a little more red in color, but neither the beet nor the tomatoes carried the day. In truth, the Pelican's cook would use some sort of grease from other food cooked, instead of butter or olive oil but, again, I wanted to make it palatable.
Soup in Bowl |
Any thoughts?