Over at
Flankers (an unofficial fan page for the
First Civilization's Legacy novels), readers are discussing what character(s) they would like to see return in the next novel in the series, whose current working title is
Soul Forge.

While the storyline is planned out, I don't do such down to every character action, and even what I plan sometimes changes. For example, the primary character, influential in Krish's (Flank Hawk's) life that dies near the end of
Blood Sword, originally wasn't planned to be that character until about 3/5 of the way through the first draft.
So if you'd like a say, consider joining the discussion at
Flankers, leave a comment here, or contact me through my website:
If you're a bit unsure, you can always give the
What Character Are You? quiz a try over at my website and recommend that character.