Sunday, August 23, 2009

Flank Hawk Update: Final Stages of Editing

It appears that my fantasy novel Flank Hawk, is moving right along toward publication with Gryphonwood Press.

The managing editor set a deadline of September 7th for the final manuscript to be returned for a final editorial review. I’m a little ahead of schedule as I finished a detailed pass of the manuscript over the last two weeks, catching a few typos, minor grammar errors, smoothing out plot consistency, and two notebook pages of things to check and/or fix (mostly capitalization concerns and consistency, and checking on hyphenated word). When the process began early in the summer, my editor had indicated the manuscript was already in very good shape, with only a few minor things to focus on to improve the novel.

Yesterday and today, I went through the two notebook pages of items, taking care of necessary changes.

In addition, my wife has been proof reading right after me. Both her past work experience and her detail oriented focus are assets in this process, and she has only found three items thus far: a spacing concern, a comma question and how something was named in the novel.

Everything else appears to be falling into place. I’ve been in contact with the cover artist and that project is moving along. In addition, four authors have returned blurbs, all of which are simply awesome. Hopefully the reviews that come in will be equally as positive.

My publisher intends to have Flank Hawk published and available by late October 2009. I guess it’s a bit of an odd feeling, but I’m thinking that it’s gonna happen.


  1. Terry,

    I'm so excited for you. It must really be great to have your wife so involved with this great event in your life. I look forward to reading your book.

  2. Cher Green,

    My wife sometimes reads some of my work before I submit it for publication. She saw parts of FLANK HAWK as I'd email updates to the file for backup to an email account we both use.

    When she has time and volunteers, I never turn her down, but especially when she was in grad school, well, too much reading on her plate already.

    She does, however, see it as odd when send out a manuscript and not get annoyed when it has been months or longer. But that's probably a topic for a blog entry some time down the road.

    And, Cher, I am glad you're looking forward to reading FLANK HAWK. And when you do, I truly hope you enjoy it.

  3. I'm looking forward to adding another story from you to my bookshelf. I do believe that with Flank Hawk, my collection of stories from Terry W. Ervin II is least until the next book is written and published.

  4. Just after Flank Hawk, I do have another story coming out in print in early November. "Skull Face Returns" will be in Leucrota Press's yearly antholog Abaculus III.

    But I am most excited about Flank Hawk as it's my first novel to find its way into print.
