Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Few Signing Events Pics

I recently participated in events at Upper Valley Career Center's Holiday Fair and also at an author group signing at the Colony Center Mall in Zanesville, Ohio. I enjoyed both events, meeting people, talking about writing and reading, and signing copies of my novels for readers (and for Christmas gifts for a potential readers).

Below are a few random pics.

Author William Weldy selling his novel Outlaws

The Domestic Divas
Pam Weldy & Julie Roeth
Selling their Wares

Author Stephen Hines demonstrating his Sense of Humor

Author Summer Clark at her Table

My Table Setup at the Mall in Zanesville



  1. Looks like fun. I posted some signing pictures today, too!

  2. Wish I lived close enough to support such events. Looks like a well laid out event.

    1. Not a problem, Dean. Calif and Ohio are a few miles apart, but the thoughts are appreciated.

      It's helpful having more than one book when laying out.
