Saturday, March 22, 2014

Audible Rankings

` is one of the main outlets for the audiobook versions of my novels with Genre Shotgun, my short story collection, in production and should be released later this Spring.

One of the features on Amazon, which owns Audible, is the novel ranking feature. Audible has this feature as well, but it's not listed next to titles and has to be searched selecting the category of an audiobook, selecting 'All Best Sellers' in that category and clicking through page by page.

Titles can also be searched by author, narrator, and publisher to determine their rank within that category.

I was curious and decided to take the time necessary to discover that as of Friday, March 21st:

In Sci-Fi: Contemporary, Relic Tech ranked 326 of 3339

In Fantasy: Epic, Blood Sword ranked 739 of 2045
                                     Flank Hawk ranked 1088 of 2045

If you might be interested, the links to my works, in their various formats, can be found along the left column of my blog.


  1. Wow, Terry! Your rankings are awesome! I'm glad to know the Audible program has been successful for you. Well done!

    1. Thank you, RS McCoy. Any method (print/audio/ebook) that my stories reach readers is pretty cool with me.
