Friday, March 14, 2014

Local Government Presentation 2014

Me, Kicking off the Presentation
Today was my second opportunity to speak to the government classes at the Upper Valley Career Center, where I work. My objective was to bring to life something that is only theoretical and seemingly distant to the 17 and 18 year olds. Sure, it's local government, but it's not something they tend to interact with, except possibly mayor's court after receiving a speeding or traffic violation ticket.

I can't say that every student was captivated by my discussion supplemented with a PowerPoint presentation. But most were interested, and filling out the question sheets provided by their teachers. Also, more than a few interesting and insightful questions were asked by the students.

The Social Studies Dept.
Left to Right: Mr. Smith (Student Teacher),
Mr. Ohler, Mrs. Roeth and Mrs. Flanagan
While talking about and relaying my experience as a member of the St. Paris Village Council kept me out of my classroom where I teach English, a fair number of those that attended my presentation were my students, and were afforded the opportunity to see me in a different light, wearing a different hat. Yes, I was still 'teaching' but the subject matter was a bit different.

I look forward to being invited to present to a whole new set of classes next year. We'll see what happens.

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