Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Relic Tech: Get Free Audiobook Codes
If you don't have your copy of Relic Tech in audio, my publisher is offering free audiobook codes for Relic Tech. Get one while they last!
Link: Free Audiobook Codes: Relic Tech
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Article: Crows and Intelligence
I found this to be an interesting BBC article.
Explores and offers some insights into Crow learning and behavior--just what's possible.
Link: Crows could be the smartest animal other than primates
Friday, December 6, 2019
Christmas in the Village Reminder
Hey Folks,
A quick reminder I will be participating in the Christmas in the Village tomorrow (December 7th) from Noon until 5:00 pm.
I will be at the Municipal Building (135 W. Main Street, St, Paris, Ohio). You can get signed copies of my books, as well as gifts from dozens of other artists and crafters. Plus, a lot of other activities, like Santa's visit with photos, a Lighted Parade, Live Nativity, and more, sponsored by Our Town St. Paris.
Check this link for more information: Christmas in the Village
Hope to see you there!
Friday, November 29, 2019
Gryphonwood Book Bundle Sale
Hey Folks,
Through December 8th, Gryphonwood Press has bundled the works of seven of it's authors (including my First Civilization's Legacy Series) and put them on sale for 99 cents.
Check out the link and pick up your copies (from your preferred ebook vendor), and enjoy the series of tales.
Link: Book Bundles for a Buck
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Beat Black Friday or Cyber Monday
Hey Folks,
Books are always a great Christmas Gift (and Birthday--or Any Time Gift)!
Avoid Black Friday or Cyber Monday struggles. If you know an author, especially a small press-published or self-published author, and you've enjoyed their books, consider picking up one or more for gifts.
You can contact me (get Contact Email HERE) or message me on Facebook--or through Flankers (a fan page for my novels on Facebook), and make arrangements to get signed copies of any of my novels for gifts--can be sent to you to directly or to the intended reader. I'll even gift wrap and label, and mail to the reader gifted, as directed.
Those in the St. Paris (West Central Ohio) area, I will be at the Christmas in the Village, from Noon until 5:00 pm on Saturday, December 7th (at the St. Paris Municipal Building 135 W. Main Street, St. Paris, Ohio). There you can get signed gift copies as well--but not gift-wrapped ;).
Plus, dozens of other craft and jewelry (and other types) of vendors will be there as well.
In any case, I hope you enjoy a memorable Thanksgiving with family and friends, and move into the Christmas Season with joy and happiness in your heart.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Progress on Relic Shield
Often when I spend time away from a project, I re-read what I've written, to get back into the flow. This time, with Relic Shield, I decided to do some minor revision, editing and additional note taking. The theory is that doing this now will make the final editing process go more smoothly (and faster).
It's worked that way before...I'm confident it will again.
At the moment I've reached a little over 20,000 words. That means there's a long way yet to go.
Crax War Chronicles,
Relic Shield,
Writing Process
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Where Fairyed Can be Found and Ordered
Ebook versions of Fairyed can be found HERE
Print copies can be ordered HERE
Audiobook? Gryphonwood Press has contracted with Jonathan Waters to return as narrator for Fairyed, the 4th book in the Monsters, Maces and Magic Series. I'll keep you up to date as details become available.
Jonathan Waters,
Monsters Maces and Magic
Monday, September 23, 2019
Parkersburg Pop Con on Sept. 28th
Hey Folks,
I'll be at the Pop Con on the 28th with all my novels, including Monsters, Maces and Magic: Fairyed!
Here's the Link for more Information: Parkersburg Pop Con 2019
Book Signing,
Parkersburg PopCon
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Jurassic Park World: Battle at Big Rock
So, you may have come across this already.
Not too bad.
Spoilers: What parent wouldn't clamp their hand over their baby's mouth?
The Allosaurus jaw-crushing strength was a bit lame.
What do you think?
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Art from a Scene in Monsters, Maces and Magic: Outpost
Thought I would share a picture of a scene from Outpost. While it's sort of titillating, it actually turns out to be one of the funnier scenes in the novel, and one that most readers that way.
And for those who are curious, my novels are pretty much PG-13--minimal cussing and lacking in sexual content. Just not what I write, but I that doesn't mean it my books aren't fast and fun.
Poor Stephi. That's what happened when she allowed a 13 year-old boy to guide the creation of her elven female RPG character, while egging him on, to gather fodder for a Sociology 102 paper--and then Stephi gets drawn into the game as that character...
I encourage you to give the first book in the series a try. It's filled fast-paced action, and should make you grin while reading, at least once or twice.
The artist who created the pic is Mario A. Barraza. You can find more samples of his work at his DeviantArt page: HERE
Mario A. Barraza,
Monsters Maces and Magic,
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Monsters, Maces and Magic Contest
Here's your chance to win a copy of my upcoming release: Monsters, Maces and Magic: Fairyed
All you need to do is match the pictures of the Monsters, Maces and Magic characters with their names. (Match each character's corresponding letter with his or her name.) Send answers in the body of an email with the subject line MMM Contest.
See picture below for characters and email address.
Three novels will be given away to winners, through random drawing, from all correct answers received by October 5, 2019 (11:59 pm EST).
Print editions available to winners in the USA/Canada. Ebook editions available to winners, world wide.
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Click on the picture for a larger/more detailed view. |
Monsters Maces and Magic
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Advice for Writers Early in their Career Efforts
Often writers ask how they can learn to write better. Yes, there are 'how to' books out there, but this is often the advice I give:
Read books you enjoy, but do more than just read them. Study them. Pay attention to how successful authors accomplished things like dialogue, description, pacing, POV, action scenes, etc. Take notes, maybe even bookmark specific examples.
Then, when you're writing and get stuck or feel something isn't working, you have examples to go back to and review. Apply how those authors managed it, incorporating your own story and writing style.
Always remember, don't compare your first draft to the final (published) works out there. Heck, be careful how you compare your finished works to others out there. Remember, you will have strengths and places where you will need to improve throughout your writing career.
I personally have go to books and authors. Zelazny, Brust, Donaldson, Ringo, Hamilton, Moorcock, and Turtledove are the main ones for me.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Interview on the PVDcast
Hey Folks,
I was interviewed over at the PVDcast this week. I talk about writing, some of my works, about politics from the local level, and far more.
Click on over and give a listen!
Link: PVDCast Episode 203 Terry W Ervin II
Writing Process
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Mandatory Inefficiency in Teaching
Spent more than a bit of time after school yesterday making copies of my SLO (Student Learning Objectives) pre and post tests. Pretests will be given next week. Figured why not just get the approved post test copied now so I don't have to do it in the spring.
Also in the included picture is a 6 inch ruler.
Thanks state of Ohio, for the inefficient use of time and resources. In theory, this is the last year for SLOs. Wonder what brilliant mandate is next up on the agenda to take the place of SLOs?
Friday, August 23, 2019
Outpost: 100 Ratings on Audible
Hey Folks,
Outpost has achieved a sort of milestone for one of my works. It's earned 100 ratings on Audible. It's the first of any of my novels to reach 100 ratings/reviews on any single platform.
A major thumbs up to Drazenka Kimpel for the cover art and Jonathan Waters for the narration, making Outpost's success possible.
If you might be interested in checking it out, or any of my titles (in print, audio or ebook) here is an easy link: Where Available
Outpost has achieved a sort of milestone for one of my works. It's earned 100 ratings on Audible. It's the first of any of my novels to reach 100 ratings/reviews on any single platform.
A major thumbs up to Drazenka Kimpel for the cover art and Jonathan Waters for the narration, making Outpost's success possible.
If you might be interested in checking it out, or any of my titles (in print, audio or ebook) here is an easy link: Where Available
Monday, August 12, 2019
LitRPG Re-Roll Review of Monsters, Maces and Magic: Outpost
The LitRPG Re-Roll Podcast did a review of Monsters, Maces and Magic: Outpost this week.
Click on over and see what the podcast host, Lavelle Jackson, had to say...
Sunday, August 4, 2019
Why Initial Slow Progress in Writing Relic Shield
So, if you have been wondering at the slow rate of progress in writing Relic Shield, science fiction always takes me longer.
For example, the first major destination is a Chicher colony. Nothing really surprising in the plot, as it's readily stated. The Umbelgarri want to establish a breeding colony there, much like the one Kra discovered during the invasion on Mavinrom, during the Crax invasion.
Anyway, the colony is on a moon, circling a planet, similar to Venus, orbiting red giant star. So, questions like the color of the sky, based on the atmosphere and the sun rays (wavelength--and how human eyes are evolved to see white, despite the shift otherwise), the complicated day and night cycle (think the rotation of the moon, but also its rotation around the planet, which would mean sunlight being blocked by the planet. Also the effect of the elliptical pattern the planet makes, in conjunction with the slightly elliptical path the moon makes around the planet...
Then there is the Chicher society. That is easier, as I have had that sketched out for years, and have thought a lot on it. But that is an added dimension, in addition to spending time around an Umbelgarri and the Bahklack thralls serving him.
Then there is the flora and fauna of the moon itself to consider...
Why does it have to be a moon? Recall that the Umbelgarri home world was a moon, whose orbit was destabilized by the Shards near the end of the Silicate War. The Umbelgarri are seeking similar conditions to their home world (moon) to increase the success rate of bringing new generations into the dwindling population (much lost in the Silicate War, and now being further devastated as the war against the Crax is going poorly. All of this was established in the previous novels...a consideration when one considers writing a series.
Then there is the interaction between the rat/squirrel-like Chicher (Relic Techs) and the Umbelgarri, low-slung amphibians, like a cross between a salamander and crocodile, who communicate mainly via shifts in color (like squids) of their skin, and low frequency sounds (like elephants) that add emphasis and emotion. Plus, they're A or Advanced Tech. I am striving to be consistent with what has previously been established, and what would be logical moving forward.
So, words come slowly at times.
There is this novel, and the final novel in the series planned, and possibly a prequel, which focuses on Kra's participation in the Colonization Riots, and subsequent 'banishment' to warehouse duty on Pluto.
There is this novel, and the final novel in the series planned, and possibly a prequel, which focuses on Kra's participation in the Colonization Riots, and subsequent 'banishment' to warehouse duty on Pluto.
Okay, back to work...
Crax War Chronicles,
Relic Shield,
Writing Process
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Pics and Comments from the River City Comic and Arts Festival
Thought I would post some pictures from the River City Comic Arts Festival.
I met some new readers and fans of all things fantasy, science fiction and horror, and crossed paths again with readers and folks I've met before. A great event.
Thanks to Jordan Lowe (of Asylum Comics) for organizing it!
First Cosplayer of the Day |
2nd Cosplayer, left me a kind Fortune :) |
Buzz Lightyear Cosplay (and reader of my novels)! |
Original Cosplay Character: Heatwave (and reader of my novels) |
More Cool Cosplayers |
Deathstroke and Deadpool Cosplayers |
James T., an avid reader of my novels :) |
Cosplay Viking Warrior that reminded me of Sgt. Drux of The First Civilization's Legacy Series |
Brandon and his Daughter--they won the drawing to name a character in Monsters, Maces and Magic: Fairyed |
Remington and Brandon on the left and right: The Dueling Ogres Kesha "Wizard in the Wardrobe" from Schmo Mo News and Chad, an occasional guest co-host of the Dueling Ogres in the back. |
Wonder Woman Cosplayer |
Jordan Lowe, organizer of the River City Comic Arts Festival and Kesha for Schmo Mo News. |
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
River City Comic Arts Festival (July 28th)
Hey Folks,
I'll be one of the guest authors at the River City Comics Art Festival this upcoming Sunday (July 28th).
As indicated in the floor plan (below), I'll be stationed right next to author Stephen Hines. Also there, but across the hall from my table will be artist Shawn Langley.
Plan on stopping by, saying hello, and maybe pick up some novels, comics, or art created by the the talented group of invited guests and vendors.
Here's a brief bit of what's happening:
For more info follow this link: River City Comic Arts Festival
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Art Affair on the Square 2019 in Urbana, Ohio
I will be participating in Urbana's Art Affair on the Square this Saturday (July 20th) from 10:00 am until 5:00 pm. Come see artists, crafters, authors, food vendors and more.
It's located in downtown Urbana, just off the Square (where US Rt. 36 and US Rt. 68 intersect).
I and several other authors (including William O. Weldy and Addie J. King) will be in the literary tent, sponsored by the Champaign County Library. We will be located on East Court Street this year.
Rumor has it the Domestic Divas will be there too!
Come and see what's happening, and maybe pick up a few signed books!
For more details, check out this link: Art Affair on the Square 2019
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Revised Manuscript for Fairyed Sent off to Gryphonwood Press
Yesterday I finished the revision of Fairyed (based upon editor suggested corrections and comments), and a few minor things I wanted to fix. I also completed the Dedication, Acknowledgements, and About the Author sections, and emailed those, and the manuscript to Gryphonwood Press.
Actually I did the majority of the revision while on vacation with the family at Fort Myers Beach, Florida. I got up early and worked, and did work while there was down time or my daughters/wife were napping or shopping. Maybe some would think working on revisions while on vacation doesn't make sense, but it's what I do. I sat on the porch of the condo, overlooking the gulf, listened to the waves wash up on the sand and focused on the task at hand. (See pic above of my 'work station.' Not too bad.)
The cover art should be completed (by Drazenka Kimpel) in early August, and Jonathan Waters has been contracted to narrate the audiobook version of Fairyed.
Most of the work is done. I will have to proof the galley when my publisher sends it over. And I am the one who proofs the audiobook version, but the major work for the novel is finished (on my end)--well, except for marketing and promotion.
Back to Relic Shield. Less than a month before the school year again starts, and I will have less time available for writing and writing-related projects.
Friday, June 14, 2019
The State of Publishing: Important for Authors and Readers
An author friend pointed me to this article: Barnes & Noble SOLD: Goliath has Fallen & What This Means for Writers
Gives a good history of publishing and its impact on authors (and thus, in the end, on readers--but mostly writers at this point), especially in light of Barnes & Noble being purchases (along with all of its debt).
Worth the read...while there might be a glimpse of potential good news, rotten news is nowhere near out of the question...
Give it a read...see what you think.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Fairyed Manuscript Sent to Gryphonwood Press
As an update, this week I sent the manuscript for Fairyed (the 4th installment in the Monsters, Maces and Magic Series) to my publisher. There it'll be assigned an editor, and the process continues.
Drazenka Kimpel has been commissioned to create the cover art! For my novels, her art has been featured on the covers of Outpost, Betrayal and Relic Hunted.
While there is still a lot that has to happen before Fairyed is available, it's definitely getting closer to the final stages before release.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Romeo Passed Away Today
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Romeo |
My daughter's cat, Romeo, passed away today. Cancer took him after 13 years spent as a loyal pet. Genevieve showed him exceptional care and understanding in his final weeks and days, and Romeo very much accepted and enjoyed it all. Maybe even more than the love and care he experienced over the 13 years.
Romeo started out as a stray and took up residence in our garage. Young and thin, he was overjoyed to have a family and people that cared for him. Initially Romeo was pushed around by the many cats in the neighborhood but, as he grew and became healthy, he established himself as a cat not to be messed with. He had a favorite ninja move: Face the adversary, then jump forward, high in the air while performing a 180 degree spin, landing on the back of the adversary. Insert tearing claws. It always ended the fight with the other cat fleeing, pretty much never to invade Romeo's territory again.
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Romeo and Swirly |
While he was pretty much a bad-ass cat, he was a good fella too. He loved his treats and tuna, playing with his bird toys, and to be petted. He meowed in a variety of ways to let you know he was hungry. The loudest purring cat I've ever heard when sitting next to Gen, or anybody. Like a happy, content motorboat. And his nemesis, Penny (one of our dogs), they eventually learned to tolerate each other...
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Romeo, barely motivated...until the mower approaches. |
Romeo is now in Heaven, hanging out with his sidekick, Swirly, and his second side kick, Specter.
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Gen with Romeo and Swirly (2010) |
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Icefall by David Wood Currently Free
Hey Folks,
A great deal. Icefall, part of the bestselling Dane Maddock Adventures (by David Wood) is now free on through most ebook sources. It's a book that works as both a standalone and introduction to the Dane Maddock, Bones Bonebrake, and their adventures--think Indiana Jones but starring two former Navy SEALs.
Actually, it's my favorite book featuring Dane Maddock, except for Cavern, which I co-authored with David.
Give it a try...it's a quick, action-packed read, and it's free.
Link: Icefall by David Wood
And, if you haven't read Cavern, consider giving it a try as well. :)
Link: Cavern by David Wood & Terry W. Ervin II
A great deal. Icefall, part of the bestselling Dane Maddock Adventures (by David Wood) is now free on through most ebook sources. It's a book that works as both a standalone and introduction to the Dane Maddock, Bones Bonebrake, and their adventures--think Indiana Jones but starring two former Navy SEALs.
Actually, it's my favorite book featuring Dane Maddock, except for Cavern, which I co-authored with David.
Give it a try...it's a quick, action-packed read, and it's free.
Link: Icefall by David Wood
And, if you haven't read Cavern, consider giving it a try as well. :)
Link: Cavern by David Wood & Terry W. Ervin II
Dane Maddock Series,
David Wood,
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Most Recent Review of Flank Hawk
Here's Flank Hawk's most recent review on Amazon--some pretty neat authors in which to be grouped!
"I have read Tolkien, Goodkind, Donaldson, and McKiernan. Irvin (II) has stood toe to toe with their work, and in+my opinion delivered an equal tale.
Flank Hawk lays out a tale of fantasy, of a future yet to be made, and a tapestry of alZ the sword and sorcery familiars mixed with historical machines of death.
The characters are breathing, and the treatment of the yarn they weave will have you enraptured.
I'm sure you will not regret the read.
Very well done!
Now on to the next book.😊"--Bookworm Forever
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Ohioana Book Festival this Saturday (April 27)
Hey Folks,
A quick reminder that I will be one of over a hundred Ohio authors participating at the Ohioana Book Festival, talking to readers and signing copies of our books. There will be authors of all types, from fantasy and SF (like me) to nonfiction, romance and children's books.
It's being held at the Columbus Metropolitan Library's Main Branch at 96 S. Grant Ave. from 10:30 am until 5:00 pm.
Click the following Link for more Details: Ohioana Book Festival
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The 5 titles I will have at my table (Festival limit on all authors due to table space) |
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Mindy McGinnis Radio Interview
Hey Folks,
Here's an interesting interview with Mindy McGinnis, a very popular author. She writes in a host of genres, from post-apocalyptic and fantasy to Gothic horror and contemporary.
She talks about writing, becoming an author, regular life and an insight as life as an author, social media, and more...
This year Mindy also visited the school where I teach. She is a very engaging speaker.
Author Interview,
Mindy McGinnis
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