DARK PLACES: A Gryphonwood Anthology is available for free at Smashwords.com through October 31st 2010 (the exact time it ends depends on your location, so order early!)
Here is the link: Dark Places: A Gryphonwood Anthology at Smashwords.
Here is the coupon-code for 100% off: AD94N (It is not case sensitive).
Some great stories, including two of mine: "The Scene of My Second Murder" and "Skull Face Returns."
Podcast versions of stories in the anthology are also free and available at: Gryphonwood Press Podcast (several stories are up now and more will follow).
For those who are interested, the Anthology is available now and will remain available (including at Smashwords.com) for 99 cents at: Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble Nook.
Give the stories a read and let the authors from Gryphonwood Press know what you think!