Saturday, March 23, 2019

Hard Luck Hank: Dumber than Dead

I'm currently waiting for the audiobook release of Hard Luck Hank: Dumber than Dead. It's the 7th book in the Hard Luck Hank series. I find the mutant Hank's tales interesting and amusing. The author indicated that the audiobook recording is about two-thirds of the way finished.

Currently re-listening to the series. Through the first three. Dumber than Dead will probably be released before I get through the series to date, but that's okay.

For those who might be interested, here's an interview I did with Steven Campbell a few years back: Interview with Author Steven Campbell

Friday, March 15, 2019

Betrayal Audiobook Posted on Youtube--Take Down Request

A reader/listener of my audiobooks notified me that on his Youtube feed, he saw a Betrayal, and sent me the link.

I went through the process to claim copyright infringement, and Youtube had the video removed within 18 hours. Pretty fast.

While I check for funky thinks online with my works, I had not been scrutinizing Youtube as thoroughly as I should have been. Will have to be more focused on that front.

Oh well, I guess it's all part of the life of an author.