Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Monsters, Maces and Magic: Date is now available as an Audiobook

Hey Folks,

Monsters, Maces and Magic: Date is now available in audio. It's narrated by the awesome Jonathan Waters!

Check it out (links below):

Date on Audible
Date at iTunes
Date on Amazon

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Interview on Dueling Ogres Podcast

Hey Folks

I was interviewed on the Dueling Ogres Podcast (a return visit)!

Check it out via the links below and don't hesitate to share. We discuss a variety of topics, from my books and writing and publication to the potential disaster of self-driving cars and more.

Episode 215: A Tale of Two Terrys

YouTube: Dueling Ogres Episode 215
Audible: Dueling Ogres Episode 215

Really, it's available pretty any podcast app or distributor.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Monsters, Maces and Magic: Revived's 1st Draft

Typed "The End" to Revived's first draft last night (well, technically at about 20 minutes after midnight--so today). It came in at 123,447 words. Longer than anticipated. Based on the outline, I originally figured it'd end at about 110,000 words.

Several revision and editing passes come next.

My publisher (Gryphonwood Press) notified me the other day that Date's audiobook version was uploaded for publication. Expect about another week or so before it's available.