Saturday, February 27, 2010

An Albert Einstein Quote

"Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater."
--physicist, Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Okay, so why quote a brilliant physicist? I see a parallel between what he said and what is true among writers.

It doesn't matter what level is achieved by a dedicated writer--be it completing the first draft of a manuscript, finding a publisher for a debut novel, or achieving the rank of a seasoned veteran author with a half dozen successful novels published, at each step there are still greater challenges waiting to be tackled.


  1. Very true. Love the quote.

  2. Great quote! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It's so true.(Sorry, I'm a little behind in blog reading.)

  3. Thanks, Angie. Everyone gets behind on occasion. Some of us more often than 'on occasion.'

  4. My son has read several books on Einstein voluntarily.
    Learning is a life long process.

  5. I've read books by Stephen Hawking, but never any on Einstein.
