The Ole Book Nook was the closest bookstore to my home, being about 15 miles away (east). The next nearest is about 25 miles to southwest and the next nearest is about 30 miles northeast. Even the 'local' malls no longer have a chain bookstore.
The owner, Vicki, is a very nice lady and interesting to talk to. A lot of bookstore knowledge coupled with understanding of readers goes with her into retirement. She tried to find a buyer and had some interest, but nothing came through. Tough economic times, especially for brick & mortar bookstores.
While Flank Hawk certainly wasn't a best seller at The Ole Book Nook, sales averaged almost one copy a month. I guess that means with the store closed, a dozen fewer readers in 2011 will stumble across Flank Hawk, (and Blood Sword--when I finally get it finished--squeezed in 500 words tonight). Will just have to find another way to reach them.